
  • Yangming College

Yangming College was established in August 2010 through a collaborative effort between Yuyao County People's Government and NBPT. It is strategically designed to cater to the high-end technical and skill talent demands arising from the industrial transformation and upgrading of Yuyao. The College serves to fulfill the diverse potential of its students.


The College is part of the national initiative as a demonstration project for vocational education and industry collaboration—piloting the integration of secondary and higher vocational education. It is also one of the first nationally recognized model vocational colleges, a distinctive college in Ningbo, and a cooperative unit for the German IHK professional qualification certificate.


Guided by a philosophy of integrating real-world learning with classroom learning, fostering cooperation with businesses, and unifying knowledge and action, the College leverages Ningbo’s role as the nation's inaugural pilot city for the Made in China 2025 Initiative. It actively contributes to advancing the manufacturing sector towards value-driven sustainable development. Efforts include enhancing growth opportunities for students, providing additional training to the skilled workforce, and creating a platform that fosters skills accumulation and innovation.


Yangming College enables students to earn both a diploma and a skills qualification certificate. Graduates attempting the Senior Worker national vocational skill certification exam boast a 100% pass rate. In recent years, students have secured more than ten national first-place awards in national vocational college skills competitions. Graduates have ascended to prominent positions such as Chief Workers at the city level, recipients of the May Day Labor Medal, and city-level skilled technicians. Many of these graduates have become pivotal contributors at their workplace, demonstrating the College's significant influence on professional and community development.