
  • School of Architecture and Arts

The School of Architecture and Arts boasts its own Creativity Park and stands out with its corporate mentorship model for talent development. It offers practical learning centers in diverse fields such as cultural creative design, lacquer art design and production, e-commerce advertising design, digital media, film and animation, and piano tuning. The School provides seven specialized programs: Architectural Engineering Technology, Prefabricated Construction Engineering Technology, Construction Project Management, Architectural Interior Design, Visual Design, Digital Media Design, and Craft Art Design, all taught by a faculty composed entirely of young professionals with master’s degrees or higher.


The School actively imports high-quality teaching resources from abroad, engaging in collaborations with universities in the United States, Australia, Taiwan (China), Hong Kong (China), and other regions. This international cooperation significantly enhances the School's capability to cultivate applied talents equipped with essential skills in creativity, aesthetics, and technology, tailored to meet the demands of the cultural arts and media industries. Aligned with the rapid cultural and artistic media development and the industrial transformation in Ningbo and surrounding areas, the School utilizes the Ningbo Development Zone Digital Technology Park and industry associations as effective platforms for integrating academic and corporate resources in talent training.