
  • Prefabricated Construction Engineering Technology

Major introduction

As a specialty of Ningbo Polytechnic, this major is dedicated to cultivating top-skilled talents who are proficient with lacquer art and equipped with innovation-based mindsets, entrepreneurial spirit, and life-long learning ability.

Main courses

Ningbo Zhangxiu Lacquer Art, Design and Manufacture of Traditional Lacquerware Products, Figure Creation of Lacquer Painting, Technological Basis, Lacquer Painting Foundation, Lacquer Landscape Creation, Cultural and Creative Product Design, Production of Lacquer Art Cultural and Creative Products, Decorative Techniques and Application of Lacquer Art, etc.

Career prospects

Graduates can work as artists, art trainers and product designers in design departments of Chinese and international enterprises, design institutes, exhibition companies, art institutions, museums, exhibition halls, lacquerware workshops (as leader or team member), and art studios.